Sunday, October 21, 2012

Gumball Math

My kiddos and I have been decomposing numbers 1-10 for a while now as well as finding two amounts that put together make 10.  
(K.OA.3-decompose numbers less tan or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way AND K.OA.4-for any number from 1 to 9, find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number)  
We have not been using equations with with + and = signs but we have been using the formula 
____ red  and ____ yellow make 10 (or whatever the said amount is).  

My kiddo's had been working on this standard for about a week so I decided to find a way to make it a little more creative.  Plus we needed to revamp our hallway board.  

Here is what we made:

Gumball Math!
**this activity did take a little over 30 minutes... plan accordingly!**

First my kiddos found five different ways to make 10.  
Then they chose the one way they wanted to show in the gumball machine.
Once decided we put that to the side and made our gumball machine.

Here the site I got it from:
scroll down and click on the "gumball machine pattern"
Mrs. T used this as a way to show equations of 10 but since we were not ready for that yet I modified.

I printed one master copy of the pattern and then traced the top and bottom onto red construction paper before copying enough to make for the whole class.  I also traced the square onto brown paper and the main circle as well as the gumballs onto white construction paper.  This way my kiddo's would only have to color their gumballs and not the rest *time saved I promise!!
They cut the pieces out and glued the gumball machine together before doing the gumball part.  
(I modeled how to put the pieces together correctly before they got started.)

Once they had the gumball machine ready we went back to our chosen way to make 10 and colored the amount of each gumballs accordingly.

They glued their gumballs onto their machine as well as their number sentence.

Here is their adorable work!

And here is how our outside board tuned out!!
Kinder-Math be Poppin'!
*just in time for parent-teacher conferences*

As you can see we also put up our other work on how we have been making 10.

Happy Teaching!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I can't wait to make them with my Kindergarteners. Do you plan on posting the recording sheet that is underneath the gumball machine? Thanks!
